pages 67 and 68
... break a small bookies office on the back of ton. Its an easy brake. inside the find a large backroom that leads to an empty worksop it contains a whole load of exo skeletons suits, illegal to the public, this is big and undderworld but the suits would help them. So like all good honest criminlas they take the suits nice looking techno gear. No alarms very strange.
The suits belonged to the bookies who just had an interest in robots so their paranoia of an underworld connection is unfounded. It keeps them on their toes. They go on to use the exo skeletons to rob, action in robot suits...
I got layed here how have to work the London angle I didn't notice. the tongue peircing with a blowjob but if the pot was strong which it is then I didn't feel it I was just riding the rush of the pipes, dissolves after you come wanted more in the morning no rubbers no excuse but if I had then I dont reckon i'd of pulled I never expeted to so it happened. I had no preconceptions.
and old memories were ot there my head couldn't resusatate the past but so a groundless NO